Friday, June 14, 2013

Why Darwin Fish?

I'm sure people wonder, why the name Darwin Fish out of Water? The truth is, it came more from a joke than anything else. Charles and I were out driving one day, when we were cut off by a vehicle with one of these lovelies on it...

and when I got done using some four letter words and laughing and the irony; I told Charles I wish they made Darwin fish. He then proceeded to inform me that I live under a rock, and they do in fact make quite a few varieties of Darwin fish. In case you were under the same rock as me, here's a few examples...
 Obviously, I told Charles we needed to get some ASAP because they were awesome, but sadly he reminded me that we live in central Indiana; and a Darwin fish would either get our car keyed or us shot. He also threw in that quite a few family members would probably stop talking to us if we rolled up with the ol' Darwin fish. I told him he was right (he gets a few every now and again) and forgot about it.

Then a few months later, I decided I wanted to blog about being an atheist living in Indiana, but I couldn't think of a good name. Charles suggested Darwin Fish out of Water, reminding me of my secret desire for a Darwin fish on the car and it stuck.

So, that's it, a little road rage and a name was born.

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